Maple Landmark Woodcraft

Main Profile

Maple Landmark Woodcraft

While much is being made of the dangers of imported products, there are alternatives. We craft a wide range of wooden toys, games, and gifts made right here in Vermont, USA. We follow American standards of product safety, employee safety, and environmental protection. The shortcuts of doing it any other way are not what Maple Landmark is about.

We design our toys to provide the best in hands-on learning and exploration. Surely it is becoming an electronic world but children still need to learn basic manipulation and construction. Our products can be found in toy stores, gifts shops, catalogs and online merchants throughout the United States and beyond.

1297 Exchange Street • Middlebury, Vermont 05753
Contact: Barbara Rainville
Phone: (800) 421-4223
Fax: (888) 388-0761
Local Fax: (802) 388-0761

