The Love Cats

(With all due respect to Robert Smith of The Cure)

I must confess – I’ve been feeling so guilty for not telling you about my other fabulous cat! Way back when I started this blog, I introduced Bradley - the fluffy, adorable simpleton who spends a lot of time sprawled on my stairs or under my desk. Well, I want you to meet her housemate Janet – who is just the opposite.

Janet is really sleek and smart, and lives to be out running around all the time. She has a very disturbing habit of bringing home little gifts like snakes, mice, birds - even creatures we can’t recognize. Despite her hunting habits, she’s the sweetest, most affectionate kitty you’d ever want to meet.

I adopted both Bradley and Janet from a shelter not long after my beloved cat Riff-Raff died - and yes, of course I’m a Rocky Horror fan (Bradley is a girl, by the way – but I couldn’t let that stand in our way!). Here they are catching a nap together – which is a special event around here.

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