Baby Minder iPhone Apps

Baby Tracker Family: Total Baby!

Technology! Always looking to advance the world of motherhood, ANDEsigned has developed the ultimate iPhone apps for parents. The Baby Tracker is an iPhone app that keeps tech-savy and multi-tasking moms in the know about baby’s schedule. Apps include Nursing, Diaper Tracker, and Total Baby. For those that can’t live without their iphones, these timesavers are a lifesavers!

Nursing App — The Ultimate Feeding Schedule

Diary, Milestone and Doctor Entries

The Nursing App is reasonable at $4.99 and records all the needed info about each nursing session. Users can easily record the length of each session. The app even remembers which side you left off on! Best yet, the app stores each session in memory, categorized by day. Moms can easily show the pediatrician exactly what baby is eating and when. Scheduling and keeping track has never been easier. The app even allows for multiple babies, including up to 6! Okay, so maybe you won’t be nursing sextuplets, but for daycare providers with 6 little ones to bottle feed, this just might be a valuable help! Easily shows how baby ate throughout the day. All information is easily uploaded into a spreadsheet, ready to show the pediatrician, or even the lactation consultant.

Diaper App — For Changing Times

This double duty app is available for only 99 cents and keeps track of all the diaper issues for baby. For new infants, sick babies, and day care, it sometimes becomes necessary to not only track when the last diaper was, but what was in it. This app records the time and contents with the touch of a button. With large “W” and “BM” buttons, and varying descriptions and places for notes, parents can easily track the necessary details.

Total Baby — Memorable Times with Baby

Total Baby will help you log and time all aspects of your child’s care

Total Baby is the newest addition to the Baby Tracker app family, available for $4.99. Easily keep track of baby’s day for the price of a notebook! With five timers going at once, mom, dad or caregivers can track diaper changes, feeding, sleeping, bath time, and one customizable event timer. Dual timers allow parents of multiples to track two babies at once. Try doing that with a notebook! Other features track doctor’s visits, shots, major milestones, and growth. Parents can compare days to see if baby ate more yesterday or is sleeping better today. Daily breakdowns show exactly how baby’s day went. Yes, even when you were there the whole time, sometimes it’s hard to remember if there was a bath, or lunch!

Tracking baby’s schedule has never been so fun and trendy!

