A Digital Reminder that Helps Save Lives

Experts agree that early detection is a woman’s most effective line of defense against breast cancer. Monthly self breast exams are of vital importance, and yet in the fast pace of today’s modern world, it can be hard for women to remember to do this simple, lifesaving task. double u products believes they have the solution with their award winning DaysAgo Digital Day Counter, a friendly reminder that can truly save lives.

When Kathleen Whitehurst helped design the award winning DaysAgo Digital Day Counter, she knew she was creating a helpful household tool with the potential to be used in every room in the house. She was aware that the DaysAgo was the perfect item to save money and prevent waste. She knew that the clever, no-nonsense, reusable design of the DaysAgo would help families organize and manage anything in their life that needed regular tracking. However, the insightful application of using the DaysAgo as a tool for remembering self breast exam was an epiphany inspired by Whitehurst’s daughter Jaimie, whose loving support and care was invaluable to her mother when Whitehurst was diagnosed with breast cancer.

The DaysAgo is the winner of the 2007 Good Housekeeping “Good Buy Award”; it’s clever, no-nonsense, reusable design affixes easily to any surface through either suction or a magnet, clearly displaying a digital screen that counts up to 99 days after the touch of a button. The DaysAgo is a must have household item that makes a perfect gift for a busy family and retails for $8 with the special edition pink DaysAgo retailing for $5.

As a ten-year breast cancer survivor, Whitehurst knows how important it is to detect breast irregularities early and urges women to do their monthly self breast exam; the pink DaysAgo Digital counter gives the perfect friendly reminder that 30 days have passed, encouraging woman to take the necessary time to take care of their personal breast health. With a passionate and personal desire to do her part to find a cure for breast cancer, Whitehurst donates 10% of the Pink DaysAgo sales to Breast Cancer Network of Strength.

For more information, visit www.howmanydaysago.com

