Teach My Kits Answer Parents' Need

Parents want their children to succeed, and many believe that a good start includes high-quality early learning experiences. Long before children enter school (and even before they’re out of diapers), they can develop foundational skills for reading, language, and mathematics. Companies that produce educational toys have seen a boom in sales. There’s a good amount of educational merchandise for kids, and companies have to compete for the attention of discerning, parents who are looking for appropriate toys, games and learning systems for their young children. The Teach My brand is distinguished as an innovator in early education.

Teach My is a Canadian company that offers learning kits designed for very young children. Teach My was founded in 2007 by Toronto mom Christy Cook, who wanted to offer parents all-in-one learning kits that were both fun and effective. Cook had a difficult time finding all-purpose learning kits for her son Finn when he was a toddler, so buying individual items was the only option. She realized that putting a variety of toys, books, blocks and other educational toys into one kit would be more convenient for parents.

Teach My currently offers three age-specific kits for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Each kit includes learning tools that help children develop their understanding of the world around them. Teach My Baby is for 6-to-18-month olds. It includes board books, blocks and simple puzzles. It includes some unique features, for example, the blocks have facial features on one side and mirrors on the other, so baby can identify pictures of eyes, nose and mouth and then find those parts in his own reflection.

The Teach My Toddler kit continues with lessons that stimulate the child’s senses and also introduces basic reading concepts, including letter identification and early math skills. The preschool kit picks up where the toddler kit left off with more advanced lessons that prepare a child for the early school years.

All Teach My kits are designed with fun in mind, and many parents who try them report that they prefer their Teach My kits over other at-home educational aids for young children. The kits have also received several awards and honors, from the iParenting Media Award to Dr. Toy’s Best 100 list.

To learn more about these learning tools, visit www.teachmy.com

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