Crawling Forward 123 Protects Precious Outfits and Knees

Crawling is a milestone for any busy baby and it takes many forms… the army crawl, three-legged dog, slither. No matter the method, it’s a full-body experience and most learners have the bumps, bruises and rug burns to prove it. And most parents spend their days washing or mending clothes when not monitoring junior’s new mobility. Thanks to Crawling Forward 123, crawling can now be a cushy experience for both parents and babies.

Exclusively designed for a baby’s crawling stage, the Crawling Forward 123 accessory is worn on top of baby’s everyday outfit, protecting the front from the floor and supporting the knees with inside padding. The top part fits like a bib, but with a vest-like back. The front part of the pants is fastened in the back with elastic straps. The waistband has snap fasteners to secure the bib at two different levels, so it’s adjustable by height, making it ideal for the crawling stage that usually coincides with random growth spurts. Buttons and snaps make the two pieces one and they can be mixed and matched or used on their own. They also make dressing a snap.

These aren’t simple padded pieces, either. The Crawling Forward 123 is designed to be both precious and practical. The front is a simple denim look with bright snaps. Unlike traditional clothing, the back makes the impact for these outfits. The Flor Turquesa has a bright blue backed with beautiful flowers and ruffled cuffs. The Cuadros Caramelo boasts bright blues, greens, pinks, and purples. The Cuadros Nautico is for those who like their plaid a little simpler in blue and red. In each case the padding is just a part of the pattern and it still looks like a stylish layered outfit. Babies can easily go from crawling, to sitting, to pulling themselves up without being burdened by extra bulk.

This accessory is a one size design to fit babies from 6-18 months old and will put a smile on any parent’s face. With no need to wash outfits all day or worry about replacing nicer clothes because they have holes worn in, Crawling Forward 123 makes an ideal gift.

Mexican brand Crawling Forward 123 was founded in 2009 and is dedicated to helping parents through what is increasingly being seen as an important development milestone in a baby’s life.

Run, don’t crawl to

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