The Park - Formally Charlotte Merchandise Mart

Main Profile

The Park - Formally Charlotte Merchandise Mart

If it’s happening in Charlotte, then it’s probably happening at The Park! Owned and operated by the D.L. Phillips Company since its inception in 1962, the The Park continues to be one of the most successful independently owned exposition centers in the country. As the region’s premier wholesale market center, the mart accommodates a permanent gift and jewelry showroom on its third floor. In addition, it remains the preferred site for international, national and regional trade shows, consumer shows and special events. The Park hosts more than one million visitors each year!

The mart’s convenient location, just off Independence Blvd - next to Ovens Auditorium and Charlotte’s original Coliseum, is just minutes from uptown Charlotte.

With 224,000 square feet of open exhibition space in three connectible halls, (Liberty, Independence and Freedom) the mart serves as home to over 72 trade shows, expos, and special events each year.

The Park flexible design allows for a variety of shows to be held simultaneously. Mart entrances and exits are controlled by security in order to allow exhibitors to remain focused on he business at hand.

Above the ground floor exhibition area is 320,000 square feet of permanent office space providing room for businesses.

With all this square footage to cover on show days, the 300-seat restaurant on the concourse is a hit with patrons who refuel by way of either full service casual dining or express style light meals and snacks. And through its catering services, the mart can also provide reception or full dinner arrangements for any event.

Special Note: Permanent showroom space is available. Size configurations can accommodate 250 square feet to 5,000 square feet of contiguous space in either Independence Hall or Freedom Hall. In addition, a limited number of offices in the mart’s quiet, controlled and professional “Executive Suites Area” is also available for lease.

800 Briar Creeek Road • Charlotte, North Carolina 28205
Phone: (704) 333-7709

