Celebs gush about No Slippy!

Samantha Harris, BopStarBaby, BabyMakes3 Baskets 2007

If you are anyone in Hollywood and you are expecting a little bundle of joy, than you should also be expecting to receive something called a BopStarBaby gift basket. Each basket is personalized for the celebrity couple, (girl or boy) and they even send something special for any brothers or sisters already in the family! (how sweet is that?!) What does all this have to do with No Slippy you ask?

No Slippy Hair Clippy is the exclusive Hair Clip participant in the BopStarBaby, BabyMakes3 Gift Baskets for New Celebrity Parents. No Slippy’s Baby’s First Hair Clippy gift sets are included in all baby girl baskets.

Super celebs such as, Angela Basset, Kevin James, The Priestleys and Brooke Burke have alleged their adoration of the basket and of NSHC products. I just couldn’t resist the opportunity to post a few!

The Priestleys

“We love our No Slippy Hair Clippies! Josselyn wears them every day … What fun! Thank you so much”
Samantha Harris, BopStarBaby, BabyMakes3 Baskets 2007*

“Don’t get me started on the No Slippy Hair Clippy, we have always been faithful customers of theirs – no other clip will do the job.”
Kevin James & Family, BopStarBaby, Holiday Baskets 2007

“When you have a baby girl, you go gaw gaw over barrettes and bows. Talking about making the outfit as well as helping the sweet passerby note instantly boy or girl. Although they may continue to think my son’s a she. Sometimes these unisex outfits can confuse… smile. I love the barrettes + bows for my living doll”
Angela Bassett, BopStarBaby Holiday Baskets 2006

“Ava & I love these clips… for the moment it is the only way people can tell Ava is a girl….”
The Priestleys, BopStarBaby, Holiday Baskets 2007

“(BopStarBaby) .. thank you so much for the creative basket of baby stuff. Loved.. and the hair clips. Baby Rain will enjoy everything”

Brooke Burke, BopStarBaby, BabyMakes3 Baskets, 2007

“… I met the fabulous ladies of No Slippy Hair Clippy at one of the Golden Globe suites here in L.A. They were so sweet and wonderful and it was such a pleasure to meet them in person to personally thank them for creating an amazing hair product…… The best thing about those clips for a baby like Olivia is that with them, there is no question that she is a girl!

All babies all kind of look the same and people don’t always know if it’s a boy or a girl, so I try to make her look feminine with hair clips. But babies at that age have very little hair, or it’s super- fine like in Livvy’s case, so no hair clips stay on. With the magnet in the No Slippy Hair Clippy, the hair clip actually STAYS in her hair. It’s such a wonderful product and they are such wonderful ladies. Please send them my best!”*
Zorianna Kit, TV Guide Channel, BopStarBaby, Holiday Baskets 2006

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