The sweetness of the Birkheads

If it wasn’t enough that Larry Birkhead is raising a beautiful vibrant little girl all on his own… now he proves to be a very gracious and thoughtful man as well. Even in the midst of his hectic schedule, he took the time to write, Mary Lenore of BopStar-PR, a thank you letter for the No Slippy Hair Clippies that were sent to him for Dannielyn.


Thank you so much for the No Slippy Hair Clippy shipment. Dannielynn was nearly out and she wore them this weekend out to a park where we were mobbed by paparazzi. I also am attaching a picture of her in some of the flower clips that you sent. I do not have any of the pictures from Larry King, or I would give them to you. It was a last minute appearance. CNN might have some but I do not have any personally. Again, thanks for the clips; they come in handy for a single dad that has no earthly idea how to fix a little girl’s hair.

Larry Birkhead

Well thank you for the thank you Larry. It just shows your immense strength of character. And keep up the good work with Dannielynn, she is turning into a fine little lady. I am sure that Anna Nicole would be proud!

*Mary Lenore is from BopStar PR. She does all of the PR for BopStar Baby Baskets and also for NSHC.

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