
Changing the way the world cleans babyteeth

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What is it about wiping and babies? We wipe their bottoms (a lot!) and their hands and dirty faces. Of course if you watch a baby, you’ll notice everything goes into their mouth including yucky bacteria that can cause cavities later on. So how can you safely wipe the inside of their mouth? Try Spiffies, a tasty disposable wipe invented by a pediatrician for a lifetime of good oral hygiene.
Pediatric dentists and pediatricians agree good oral hygiene starts even before the first tooth erupts and that means wiping an infant’s gums, tongue and teeth. Spiffies are individually packaged towelettes that have been soaked in a great tasting Xylitol solution, a natural ingredient that prevents cavities. They can be used to clean babies’ first teeth without using a toothbrush.
Like a vaccine preventing a contagious disease, an infant tooth wipe containing Xylitol can significantly reduce tooth decay during infancy. So say researchers from the University of California at San Francisco School of Dentistry. Their findings were just released at the May 2010 annual session of the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. Since tooth decay is the most common chronic disease of children in America – five times more common than asthma according to the Center for Disease Control – the researchers reported it was extremely important for parents to begin a proper cleaning routine daily during infancy, and concluded the Xylitol wipes were extremely effective in reducing and preventing cavities.

3420 N. Dodge Blvd., #100 • Tucson, Arizona 85716
Contact: Marti Wagner
Phone: (888) 615-0851
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