Spirithoods Kids

Main Profile

Spirithoods Kids

SpiritHoods connect kids in a unique and creative way to nature and our animal friends. SpiritHoods are about friendship, family, love, generosity, and bonding with nature. A SpiritHood is more than just a cool furry animal hat, it inspires children to bond in a completely new way to the world around them.

We believe in the conservation and protection of both the planet and it’s animals, and feel strongly about educating kids about the environment, and empowering them with the ability to make a difference. To help give back we’ve partnered with, and are actively donating a portion of our proceeds to, several non-profit organizations dedicated to wildlife conservation. We call this Product Blue.

435 S Broadway St. • Los Angeles, California 90013
Phone: (213) 542-5550
Fax: (213) 542-5551

