urban munchkin

modern organic kids

Main Profile

urban munchkin

Urban Munchkin’s beginnings can be traced to the birth of our two baby girls - Maya and Ava - who were born in 2008.  We noticed there was a lack of ”conscious” clothing which was both stylish as well as  functional,  so we decided to create a line of  our  own. Using soft, organic cotton fabrics, eco friendly dyes, colorful and modern designs enhanced with positive messages to inspire conscious living.
Urban Munchkin was born!
 Our combined  backgrounds - textile designer, yoga instructor ; artist and businesswoman, have  helped us develop a unique line of children’s clothing ranging in sizes from newborn to toddler… clothing that is as different as it is distinctive… designed with your Munchkin in mind.
Urban Munchkin is also something else. It’s a means to an end, a way of giving back!  We feel strongly that  any success we have should be shared with others not as fortunate. And so, we  have committed to donate a portion from our collections to children centered charities that can be found in the “Charities” section of our website.

176 lafayette st • Denver, Colorado 80209
Contact: Tamar Arbeli
Phone: (800) 464-2989
Local: (800) 464-2989

