The Latest Trade Tweets

I had originally planned to do another #kidbiz Twitter chat on Wed at 9pm EST but have failed to spread the word. Any interest? Let me know.
I was going to updated 'busy morning' but aren't they all?
Shooting photography of our new line this week, so excited! Can't wait to post some sneek peek photos, stay tuned!
RT Join us 2 hear a panel of young execs from @Jcrew, @BKLNIndustries @saks @KMD_Jewelry share how they made it—Apply @
Happy May Day!
@KathJenkins Will do! :)
» In reply to KathJenkins
Welcome to our new fans! We have been a bit quiet lately, but we promise to unveil some exciting news soon! XOXO
Some days you just need to get into bed ASAP. This is one of those days. If you're lucky, Tweeps, I'll take you with me ;)
@marlibu @naturalbabygood Hi there! We make ANGRY Birds Bodysuits (not Amgry Bird ) ;) Pls fix your typo.
» In reply to marlibu
Congrats to last weeks photo winner - Cooper!
Agree ! :) ~ Lynette, RN @Mommalution "@disneybaby start with foods that are colorful and mild in taste like sweet potatoes & avocados :-)"
@AngryBirds Thank you for recommending us! :)
» In reply to AngryBirds
Have you submitted your little one for the Dr. #Seuss photo #contest this week, one lucky winner every week!
@mummytocharis Awww, Sarah, thank you so much for your sweet tweet! You made for a great start to our week! Have wonderful week too! :D
» In reply to mummytocharis
Check out babeelove's review of our Purple Plastic Headband with Hot Pink Bow! Gigis is offering a discount for...
Vetting the 1st applicants for @FashionCampusNY this morning. Apply now if you're interested in the biz of fashion at
I posted 3 photos on Facebook in the album ""
Love these for special mums, that would be all of us;)
Such a cold day & chilly day here at the Huggalugs Office.. Perfect time to wear your Huggalugs. Are your little...
@TheBabyGuyNYC ABC SEC was a great event. Several missed u. Still in LV.
» In reply to TheBabyGuyNYC

