The Latest Trade Tweets

@lka_10 We ship to Dubai. Also, carries our line. Thank you for your interest in SwaddleDesigns. Have a great weekend!
» In reply to lka_10
True-manmade fiber RT @TheBabyGuyNYC: @LAStylistMom it's happened in textiles as well!!! Bamboo is rayon by the time all is said and done.
@ObservantLynn @DesirreAndrews Yikes
» In reply to ObservantLynn
@lythics You know that saying, "that which doesn't kill makes you stronger" true. you're a strong young lady. xo
» In reply to lythics
@QuirkyCurl you NEED guilloche enamel LOL
» In reply to QuirkyCurl
OMG. The callers are THE best part of @QVC
NEW Deal of the Day! Save up to 50% off! @SwaddleDesigns!:Beautiful Spring colors!
Watching @QVC and it's pean to Titanic. Curiosity has gotten the better of me. Vintage inspired mary jane booties with gingham bow. Oh, so sweet, and with scallops! Felt bobby pins, too cute!
Prayers for peace on Earth
NEW Deal of the Day is up! Save up to 50% off! @SwaddleDesigns!:Beautiful Spring colors! via @AddThis
@thegiggleguy I just read the first book. May not read the other two. The movie was so faithful to the book, I could have skipped reading it
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
"...I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls..." Audrey Hepburn #inspirtation #moxie
@QuirkyCurl Ha! You're rockin' the mini-me trend! Or the tot is! Write a feature about it, with pics! - "Me-Mini."
» In reply to QuirkyCurl
@QuirkyCurl Ha! Of course, you're rockin' the mini-me trend! Or the tot is! Write a feature about it, with pics! - "Me-Mini."
» In reply to QuirkyCurl
Wishing everyone a fab Easter weekend. A rare weekend off for me that I am looking forward to enjoying. Xx
RT @BabySleepGuide: SnoozeShade Plus - Product Review < fab review & now available from x
@QuirkyCurl Been to Rio during Carnival. Crazy! Love + your blogs. Great tone, humor and fun! Will u be at ABC Spring?
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