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Want to make money just telling people about Bugalug??? It's easy! With our affiliate program, all you have to do...
@iamalisonperry coo ooh where is that? Squeal !
» In reply to iamalisonperry -- Kids Play a Starring Role in Personalized Books -- JPMA and ABC Unify To Form Stronger Industry Organization
Thank you SO much!
Pls RT:Moxie Couture LLC - 2012 StartupNation Leading Moms in Business Competition: @HollyPavlika @SmokinHotPR
Bratt Decor's Mary Bauer and Jack and Jill Interiors - Nursery Interior Designer Decorator, Sherri Blum take NYC...
The # of births in China to jump 5% in 2012 and parents prefer US goods. Are you cashing in on the year of the dragon?
@AMawhorr82 lmbo!!
» In reply to AMawhorr82
@HollyPavlika you're doing great! Treat yourself to a spa day when this is done!
» In reply to HollyPavlika
@AMawhorr82 you get a pass then! I read about the episode, so sad! See ya in the am! #workout
» In reply to AMawhorr82
@AMawhorr82 too much tv Ash! :)
» In reply to AMawhorr82
@ChicGalleria this made me smile! Thanks for spreading the love!
» In reply to ChicGalleria
@HollyPavlika LOL! You're a mom on a mission! #verycool
» In reply to HollyPavlika
RT @hollypavlika: This is like the days when I stayed up with a baby only this baby is a vote for charity. Last ditch effort. #TeamMom...
Purchased my tickets for @PNBallet Carmina Burana. I LOVE this ballet! I can hardly wait! A must see!
RT @dailydimmick: @DabneyPorte: Remember..."People throw things at rocks that shine" Shine anyway my friends! #youmatter to me so much!...
Climax by @usherraymondiv, from #SoundHound
RT @womenonthefence: Plus don't forget to read tomorrow. Great fun announcement for YOU!
@Ruth_A_Buzzi I invited u to my ND high grad. in '68. U invited me to L-I several times - you worked with my dad at Screen Gems 1x. .xox
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