The Latest Trade Tweets

How to incorporate personal touches? "integrate humor & show your personality so ppl can relate to you" —@aspyrebusiness #560chat
How to incorporate personal touches? "be natural" @Susan_Tabak #560chat
Google+ useful? "it's gaining momentum and it's worth exploring" @aspyrebusiness #560chat
How often to tweet? "You need to be consistent and regular. You can over-Tweet. A few times a day is optimal"—@dkny #560chat
Videos? "They're great but keep'em short" @dkny. <—amen #560chat
@mzaraalam thinking the same!
» In reply to mzaraalam
How much time do you have to devote to the different social platforms? Better to pick two and do them well —@dkny #560chat
@BabyCalendars @DaddyNatal cool! Congrats!
» In reply to BabyCalendars
Social media is a way to grow your brand. But branding is about positioning yourself apart from everyone else @aspyrebusiness #560chat
Make use of hashtags, especially those specific to the job hunt #560chat
Job hunt tip: Follow everyone in your phonebook and every business card you get on Twitter. #560chat
Content shouldnt be about you you you. It's tedious & I'm not interested. Share funny stories, great articles you've read—@dkny # #560chat
If you have great content, it matters. I've hired several people from Twitter. —@dkny #560chat
@ShopperInsight hopefully!
» In reply to ShopperInsight
The number of followers means nothing. Interact with the people you like and start a dialogue —@aspyrebusiness #560chat
Retweets don't connect you with the person. Ask questions of the company you're interested in—@dkny #560chat
Real effectiveness is engaging w the people who show an interest in ur brand. The more u share valuable content, branding happens #560chat
You should never engage in any sort of fight on Twitter. You can't really delete a tweet. —@dkny #560chat
Use social media for business. Keep your private info private in this very public world —@Susan_Tabak #560chat
Having an intern tweeting for your company is like going around with a loaded gun—@dkny #560chat

