The Latest Trade Tweets

@iliedmyfaceoff I am so proud and happy that you do and that you see the beauty. You live there, but "home" you will be soon.
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Hungry? Stop by the "Made in USA Pavilion", B250 for a complimentary Buyer Boxed Lunch. Available from 11:30 - 12:30. #LVMkt
Lori Dennis says there are a number of things that can make a company green, not just materials. Use One Good Guide as a starting point.
Clodagh - environmentalism is a movement not a trend. #LVMkt
LuxeEco and One Good World: Designing the Future is starting at 11 in Building B, Floor 16. Join us for this eco-friendly seminar.
First Look: eco-friendly furnishings and home decor are all about the materials - re-purposed, recycled and reclaimed. -- Baby Bella Maya Uncovers a Dirty Little Secret about Car Seats @BabyBellaMaya
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First Look: textures and patterns from around the world found in many home decor products.
First Look: seeing Pantone's color of the year - Tangerine Tango in many showrooms at #lvmkt.
Bratt is celebrating TWINS! Now through the end of February, get 15% off the second crib, changer, cradle or...
In First Look book, 'Glisten Up' feature was inspired by water, you'll see blues and golds used together.
From First Look: 2012 is the year of color. Beach and garden motifs are also trending.
Wow! First Look is standing room only! Join us for a great presentation in Building B, floor 16! -- Original Baby Company Develops Natural Products for Active Babies
Join us for First Look with Monica Pedersen and Julie Smith Vincenti at 10:00 am in Building B, 16th floor, World Forum.
Did you pick up a copy of the WorldDirectory? It's your key source for #LVMkt info, Exhibitor listings, floorplans, events + more!
Ribbon cutting @BassettUS, welcome to #LVMkt! Visit them in A953.
@imaxcorp we are so excited the show has officially started! Wishing you a fantastic opening day!
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Off to a busy start already! #LvMkt
@USAlovelist Thank you for the RT! :)
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