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Just added a new blog post on Child Style Magazine
Checking out "Fashion Programs for Inner-City Youth Help to Cultivate Creativi" on Child Style Magazine:
Would love for you guys to show off some pics of your kidlets in their huggalugs:) xxx
@jillianharris That does sound very fitting! Do you have snow? We still have snow in spots in Seattle. Stay warm!
» In reply to jillianharris
@YoyomanMichael I stayed productive and worked remotely to create a new catalog. Couldn't ship over 300 orders tho. Team really busy today!
» In reply to YoyomanMichael
@Bergdorfs Pretty! Lucky girl with all that hair!
» In reply to Bergdorfs
@DrJonathan I did! Plus I created about 40+ more! #MadeinAmerica
» In reply to DrJonathan
So honored 2B chosen by Disney to work with famous artist Mary Blair's It's A Small World icons to create fab textiles
Lasagne in the oven makes the whole house smell great!
Angry Birds Baby!
@YoyomanMichael Agree! However, my kids are dreaming of more snow!
» In reply to YoyomanMichael
Just finished shooting a rainbow party can't wait to share pictures
Boat Bed
Just added a new blog post on Child Style Magazine
Checking out "Kids Parties" on Child Style Magazine:
Dear 16-year-old me
The winners of the 23rd Annual ARTS AWARDS have been announced! Congratulations to these Las Vegas Market...
@MollieinSeattle @genejuarez I see James this Weds! ;) Agree: #onlyplaceigo
» In reply to MollieinSeattle
The Rainbow shoot went amazing can't wait to share pictures with you soon.
Also join our new network at www.childstylemagazine and win amazing prizes from our sponsors daily giveaways in...

