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@tykethreads I was working for the man back then LOL
» In reply to tykethreads
Decided to finally launch your children's wear brand this year? Before you do, take my intensive kids business seminar
@TheBabyGuyNYC I love this picture so much. You + Grayson = Pure Love. (The blanket is icing on the cake) ;)
» In reply to TheBabyGuyNYC
@MicrosoftMD Hello from Lynette, RN CEO SwaddleDesigns Seattle
» In reply to MicrosoftMD -- New York Law Firm, Phillips Nizer, Produces "Licensing in the Fashion & Childrenswear Industries | A Checklist" -- Real Kids Shades to donate $1 for every Prevent Blindness America Donation collected from its website -- Baby Bella Maya introduces Stroller Blankets -- Baby Bella Maya now Distributing Tellurian Baby
@phdinparenting Hopefully it will be less than 6 weeks. Sometimes the ony way thru something is thru it (with love and compassion).
» In reply to phdinparenting
@phdinparenting I feel for you both. We've been there. Yogurt, mac and cheese, soft foods, learning to chew on the other side got us thru it
» In reply to phdinparenting -- Wikki Stix Offer No-Mess Creativity
Happy #NewYear! What are your #resolutions? Ours is to have the best #LVMkt yet, see you in 27 days!
I posted a new photo to Facebook
Shoe clubs like these would never work for me but why not a similar model for kids clothes? Moms are busy.
@MercedesGPC So much for 'the softer side of Sears'?
» In reply to MercedesGPC
@phdinparenting (cont) Tooth fairy lets her keep her teeth, but still delivers some coins. The first few were rough going, but now not so :)
» In reply to phdinparenting
@phdinparenting (cont) in mirror, the bleeding was espec hard on her. Lots o drama. Somehow we ended up laughing as I dried her tears (cont)
» In reply to phdinparenting
@phdinparenting Yes, DD was hysterical. I acknowledged her feelings, held her & soothed her when she freaked out when she saw herself (cont)
» In reply to phdinparenting
Breastfeeding Essentials: with @ShariCriso
@SheBreathes and it came from my post office (but I didn't take it!)
» In reply to SheBreathes

