The Latest Trade Tweets

@TheGiggleGuy That's a great gift.
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
@caletha_style I so wanted to know what you got. Then I got surprised too today, so I know what you mean! LARGE cozy blanket by @cloudb.
» In reply to caletha_style
@EvanLysacek @SunValleyResort Oooo Brrr! Maybe 2! Hope you've got your @SmartWool long undies on! ~Lynette, former Ice Capette
» In reply to EvanLysacek
I posted a new photo to Facebook
Obesity epidemic forcing ferries to lighten their loads via @komonews
Hurray! Just purchased 8 more yesterday! #Great Gifts RT @komonews @Glassybaby founder named Entrepreneur of 2011
Look at this little cutie! Gently swaddled in our Sterling Mod Circles on White Ultimate Receiving Blanket GRAYSON !
Jolly Holly Day! 20% OFF with promo code MERRY11
Keep Jolly! As my Gramma used to say!
Things have slowed to a trickle. Everyone must be in Christmas mode, so here's a topical pic to make you smile
@KIRO7Seattle Thanks. Shared link w/my family so they won't be too shocked when they drive over 520 this weekend.
» In reply to KIRO7Seattle
@McLovin1019 @BrianBoitano Brrr! LOL!
» In reply to McLovin1019
FYI, hair clips make terrific gifts for Girls of all ages, including our Mommies!
Baby Jesus was Swaddled
@WomenHealthDocs Many perimenopausal frinds complain of migraines. Can you suggest foods/nutrients to help decrease these bad headaches?
» In reply to WomenHealthDocs
@Toyota We LOVE our @Toyota Sienna!
» In reply to Toyota
@KIRO7Seattle Getting any shots of old Husky Stadium coming down? Half the roof south side GONE. Bitter sweet.
» In reply to KIRO7Seattle
Good bye old Husky Stadium! Sniff. Half the roof if the south side is down. -- Zooklz Offer Kids a Square Deal
Love receiving unexpected gifts. So few (good) surprises once you're an adult. This one is good and delicious.

