The Latest Trade Tweets

Last Day to grab your Huggalugs Christmas Designs on SALE! at 50% off the original price!...
@TheGiggleGuy yeah, now that u mention it, someone told me that. Always thought it was an odd marriage.
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
@caletha_style Little Maven is out. Hartstrings did not renew.
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Picture me on the couch hungry but too tired to fix dinner and @Paula_Deen on tv tempting me with something fried #happenstoooften -- Rock-a-Bye Baby in Scandinavian Style
The umpteenth reason why you'll never win the price war:
Loving the success stories from my clients. Helping 1 get results from social media efforts & 1 to progress toward a Q1 launch #li
Hi all! How's your Christmas prepping going? Any of you not doing any? And will someone please tell me, what's with the weather? Xxxx
@Red_Tricycle Thank you very much for the mention! :D ~ Lynette
» In reply to Red_Tricycle
Friends and Family Sale this Friday!! Great Deals for the Holidays! Bring your friends!
@sandierpastures Some parents say tapping it with your finger or stroking baby's cheek helps stimulate sucking.
» In reply to sandierpastures
@sandierpastures Try introducing when baby is content, not when crying. Try every other day or a different shape.
» In reply to sandierpastures
We are starting to get in the #holiday spirit around here!
If you haven't received your copy of our latest catalogue, just log onto and request one. Its...
Deal of the Day Baby!
Watching a Little Maven shoot on Tori Spelling's show. Haven't seen that line lately. The grandpa-chic looks were cute in the 1st fall line
Things Babies Born in 2011 Will Never Know - Yahoo! Finance via @YahooFinance
@sandierpastures 3rd option is to swaddle with both hands down and offer a pacifier.
» In reply to sandierpastures
@sandierpastures You can also try swaddling with one hand up and one hand down if he seems happier sucking on his fingers.
» In reply to sandierpastures
@sandierpastures If he is sleeping well on his back for 3-4 hour stretches, then that's great!
» In reply to sandierpastures

