The Latest Trade Tweets

@gary_wassner Halston?
» In reply to gary_wassner
@gary_wassner Right the brand has to have a heritage/DNA to draw on. If this one has a heritage, it's lost on me.
» In reply to gary_wassner
G'day all! Packing off lots of lovely little huggalugs ready for the shipping pixies to deliver to little legs...
@gary_wassner I used to be jealous of my BFF's sweaters from B in high school. My mom would never pay that much for my clothes.
» In reply to gary_wassner
@gary_wassner it's so far off the radar. Anything's possible but they'd have to find an identity and rejigger the product
» In reply to gary_wassner
@gary_wassner Benetton (Boo. You made me mention it!)
» In reply to gary_wassner
Everyone's talking about a certain brand and it's new crazy ads. Too bad no one's talked about its clothes in like two decades. #substance
Exhibitors: Join us for a series of webinars designed to help you have a successful #LVMkt experience! Sign up here:
@microsofttag You're welcome!
» In reply to microsofttag
Its the last day for the giveaway from our friends Fabulous Fun Finds we our so excited to be part of the... -- Mumi&Bubi Eliminates Need for Baby Food Jars
Venetina 3 in 1 crib from Bratt Decor, offers 3 great looks for one fabulous price. See it at
@HollyBabiesPR Thank you very much for letting me know. Do you have a link you could DM me? Mariah has our signature mod circle blanket
» In reply to HollyBabiesPR
I just finished e-talkin' turkey with @caletha_style. Her column today made me hungry for T-day.
Have you registered for Winter 2012 #LVMkt?
@TheJuliaBeck Good to catch up. Only 7 to go on my list. With us, it'll take a call each!
» In reply to TheJuliaBeck
Celebrating Thanksgiving this Sat. with family. That way, our kids and theirs can be together. What to plan for wife and I on 11-24?
RT @microsofttag: #MSTag Tips: 4 ways to use a #2Dbarcode in publishing -Nick
. @DenisHurley @TheGiggleGuy @CuteBeltz @TeresKids Thanks for the retweets!
@retail_details My November is flying by!
» In reply to retail_details

