The Latest Trade Tweets -- “Fancy That” Displays Magnetic Personalities
@pampers I hope she loved them!
» In reply to Pampers
@greenhippiemama Thanks!
» In reply to GreenHippieMama
RT @terrifaerie: @cottonbabies @BabyLegs are good for keeping little boys warm, too! Love the football pair!
RT @meggielou17: Just ordered my daughter some @BabyLegs! I can't wait to get them in the mail. :))
BabyLegs is Thankful 4 U! Get 50% off select styles now through Friday! Don't miss this deal, head over to now!
New Sizes, New Styles - Dr. Seuss is on the loose! #constantcontact
If you've shown at or shopped the ABC Spring Conference, holla! I'd like to get some info from past exhibitors/buyers. Thanks.
Bratt Prez, Mary Bauer, teamed up with Playtex in NYC Monday night, at the Big City Mom's Baby shower event. One...
From the WSJ, relaxed shoppers were willing to pay up to 15% more for goods Are you pampering your customers?
I posted 6 photos on Facebook in the album "Lemondrops"
@fuggirls Me too! Glee is as bad now as it was good during the first season. Totally unwatchable.
» In reply to fuggirls
Want to win a $20 Gigis Apparel gift certificate? Just write a clever caption for this photo. We love receiving...
Brand New Fall Designs 40% Off -
Working on a new project for a new client and it's starting to come together. Fun
@JenerationPR . Congrats on his promotion. Celebrate? Take everyone out for pizza? And save the diff. Learned that from Duggars today!
» In reply to JenerationPR
@nuckingfutsmama Go in peace . . . officers.
» In reply to nuckingfutsmama
Hey! Why do not people tell you when they cancel a cc and stop making payment plan payments on services rendered? Anyone else?
I still have my Christmas stocking that my "Nanny" made for me. It is over 60 yrs. old now. The treasure of handmade gifts.
is all on KINDLE now. We compare reading lists.

