The Latest Trade Tweets

1st - We are working on finding some cool creative commons songs to do our youtube competetions with - if you know...
Happy Monday to you!!! Ok - couple of housekeeping notes firstly...
@TweetAllStar thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
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@sophieandlili my mug is cookie monster
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@TM_Technology thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
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#abckids11 ruffle butts introduces rugged butts. Look how fun this is for boys
On the Street….Lincoln Center, New York
OK, tell us what you think. Outlaw bumpers or let moms decide?
Working on my @wgsn trend report from @abckidsexpo #abckids11 #li
#abckids11 Caden lane new designs r beautiful. I love it
@giantonioiukgp6 thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
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#ABCKids11 Great to see innovations at Crown Craft. New fashionable, safe mesh bumper options. NoJo.
Announcing relationships with #AngryBirds, #Disney @ABCKidsEXPO ! Designer Lynette Damir at Booth 3659 this afternoon!
@HygeiaKate @theleakyboob @thebabyguynyc I would LOVE to meet her too! Stop by booth #3659
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On the Street….London Color, London
#abckids11 I don't think Rebecca frm boon sleeps. She always knocks it out of the park w new designs. Check out the tub
#abckids11 skip*hop new bath products r very fun. The penguin soap dispenser has a bubble making wand.
Beautiful Baby Ever stopped by with mom Dana from Daisy Baby. Tina and I were thrilled!
@PremierBaby @NBCPhiladelphia Stop by our booth 3659, I'll be at the booth by noon today #ABCKids11 #AngryBirdsBaby
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.@Dogpaddling Stop by our booth 3659, I'll be at the booth by noon today after I catch up on many emails. #PTPA #ABCKids11 #AngryBirdsBaby
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