The Latest Trade Tweets

@425Magazine @king5seattle Thought the booms were just thunder off in the distance (I'm in Seattle)
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sweet summer time!
@nytimesstyle looks at tweens' influence on fashion—necessary or another example of our youth-obsessed culture?
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Great shot of some of the Seven West family in attendance at the Fourth Annual Summer Social!
Ever been excited about a project and all the while dreading the massive amount of work it will entail? Well, I've got two of those going Oy
@WoollyBoo See you there. I plan to be @playtimenewyork on Sunday
» In reply to WoollyBoo
Buying for holiday/spring? Check out my clients Pippen Lane layette & playwear & Skylar Luna pjs #li
Good Monday morning to ya. How is everyone?
Looking for bright, fun layette & girls' playwear? Retailer Pippen Lane launches wholesale line. Learn more @jamesgirone
Great press for my client on @jamesgirone Skylar Luna launches adorable, organic pjs @childrensclub on Sun. booth 2211!
I just unlocked the "Super User" badge on @foursquare!
@LiquidLearning thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
» In reply to LiquidLearning
Wanted to order @gtowncupcake for tomorrow but had to order by 8 so guess it'll be @sprinkles instead.
Just came in from a few hours on the boat. Loving the sun in Seattle!!! Played Lego Creationary with the kids. So fun!
@DrJenGunter So delighted to get to know you via twitter! I look forward to your tweets.
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@DrJenGunter My fav must have hair product!!
» In reply to DrJenGunter
Love it when people are open minded enough to chat about life. The world is a fantastic place if you take time to discover it. #harekrishna
In Sanrio yesterday they were offering a "free carabiner" with every backpack. Should be a "free Carabean!"
@tiffanivogue it's 100 here (I'm at my parents') but it's the same at home
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@tiffanivogue DM me ur email address. Is it blazingly hot there? I might be in town next month
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