The Latest Trade Tweets

20 more fans on facebook and we give away some of our new Dr. Seuss onesies!
Made in the USA feature, Team America, from Thanks @Gary_wassner tweeting this article
I'm not saying we're giving away ipads on our facebook, cuz we're not, but you should fan us anyway! :)
@roykphilip Here is the AAP article re: BF & reduced risk of SIDS, meta-analysis:
» In reply to roykphilip
@roykphilip Did you see the article in the AAP's July Pediatrics re: BFing?
» In reply to roykphilip
@roykphilip Wonderful news!
» In reply to roykphilip
@sandierpastures Exciting! Enjoy! :)
» In reply to sandierpastures
.@mamamelinda @sharicriso @bestforbabes Please follow my new twitter friend Dr. @roykphilip working to improve BF stats in Ireland!
@roykphilip You are tweeting some great info! Let's get you some more followers!
» In reply to roykphilip
@roykphilip Ahh...after my tweets to you, I see you are an MD & new to twitter :) Welcome! I am an RN w babies' best interest in mind.
» In reply to roykphilip
@roykphilip (cont) I am following my Dr.'s advice. And American Academy recommends Breastfeeding, proven to protect against SIDS
» In reply to roykphilip
@roykphilip (cont) thought was best then. You are doing what you think is best now. Powerful words to help shift view are: (cont)
» In reply to roykphilip
@roykphilip Many in that generation were discouraged to BF, so they perpetuate message. Gently remind her that she did what she (cont)
» In reply to roykphilip
@giggle you need our waterproof SuperBibs in your stores! no?
» In reply to giggle
Giving away a Dr. Seuss onesie set when we hit 1500 fans on facebook! Show some love and help us out! #free #baby
RT @FashionCenterNY: The Garment Girls learn how a @nanettelepore garment gets made in the Garment Center. @STGCnyc
Like Fashion Campus NYC on Facebook & keep up with the program, see post-event videos & learn about similar events!
Giving away a Dr. Seuss onesie set when we hit 1500 fans on facebook! Show some love and help us out! You could win!
#dmc gifts love 2 c lines grow decafplush is awesom
#dmc gift chubby baby great gift

