The Latest Trade Tweets

Good to meet UGLY DOLL at #LV11. my wife wants the new cookie jar!
#LX11 HASBRO fashion show - list more kids' & adults' apparel. Looks great. I hope to report list of licensees.
Viva Elvis is a Great show in Vegas. Thanks to the performers. @cirque VivaELVIS Facebook page.
My business cards were turned in to press room today. Someone just took my card holder case and returned the cards! What happens in Vegas .
Who will be at ASTRA next week? Looking forward to seeing Cloud B and Noodleheads.
#LC11 Fewer eco kid brands that last 2 yrs. Fewer mfgs.too. But lots of IP and brands. Even Warren Buffet and Martha Stewart are animated!
Day 2 of Licensing Expo. #LV11. Brand overload. Every character, actor, show, appliance or old movie can be a hit in licensing.
@Yellifers Wunderbar! when you get your U.S. addres, DM me with it and we'll get a sleeved bib out in the mail to you!
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@Yellifers yay, spacebear gets some love! are you in berlin Yelli?
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@sweetcaron oopsies, fixed!
» In reply to sweetcaron
@MsGreene Thank you for the mentions and RTs! have a great day!
» In reply to MsGreene
@sweetcaron boy or girl? do you know yet? send me a DM with your maling info!
» In reply to sweetcaron
@allykitty5 @lissymama lol, both of you send us a DM with your mailing info! ;)
» In reply to allykitty5
Put Your #Love on #Paper #Baby #Journaling #Workshop #Fan Page - Like Us Today!
@WeeMasonsMom done! shoot us a DM with your mailing info mama!
» In reply to WeeMasonsMom
No love for the SpaceBear print! Does anyone want a sleeved or junior bib in spacebear? Tweet @bumkins a shout out if you do! #free #baby
@allykitty5 thanks!
» In reply to allykitty5
Facebook? Yes please. We're always happy to have more fans!
Ok fine, so Lanvin Petite might be a bit pricey for most moms, but how bout the H&M for UNICEF charitable collection?
Thanks! See you in August! @nicoleatkinson OMG @WorldMarketCtr -- love your new #celebvideo - pumped to come back in aug
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