The Latest Trade Tweets

@phdinparenting Sorry, The info wasn't meant to be a response to your tweet... Just wanted to share info with you. :)
» In reply to phdinparenting
I LOVE the Dalai Lama's laugh!
@phdinparenting A new review article 2 b published in July issue of Pediatrics - studies conclude: Breastfeeding is protective against SIDS
» In reply to phdinparenting
On the subject of pricing your goods/services, read this article from Greetings ETC Are you getting what you're worth?
@phdinparenting Breastfeeding as the sole source of nutrition for any duration is associated with a 73% reduction in SIDS
» In reply to phdinparenting
@gatesfoundation Breastfeeding as the sole source of nutrition for any duration is associated with a 73% reduction in SIDS.
» In reply to gatesfoundation
@gatesfoundation RT @AAPNews Benefits of breastfeeding outlined in surgeon general's report.
» In reply to gatesfoundation
RT @AAPNews Benefits of breastfeeding outlined in surgeon general's report.
Breastfeeding as the sole source of nutrition for any duration is associated with a 73% reduction in SIDS. Breastfeed if you can
A new review article 2 b published in July issue of Pediatrics - studies conclude: Breastfeeding is protective against SIDS
@LydiaBreakfast Pls consider a follow up to your Bnet story with an item on Fashion Campus NYC
» In reply to LydiaBreakfast
@andressilvaa thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
» In reply to andressilvaa
Peg Perego investing $4 million in Fort Wayne plant | The Journal Gazette | Fort Wayne, IN
Sell to the high-end? Better consider where your products are made. According to @AmericanExpress, Made In USA matters
@crainsnewyork Pls RT Parsons & @NYCEDC to host Bloomberg FashionNYC2020 event Fashion Campus NYC w/ Derek Lam keynote
» In reply to CrainsNewYork
@BettyEBeatty thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
» In reply to BettyEBeatty
The recommendation to breastfeed infants should be included with other SIDS risk-reduction messages
Breastfeeding as the sole source of nutrition for any duration was associated with a 73% reduction in SIDS. Breastfeed if you can
NEW article to be published in July issue of Pediatrics, studies conclude: Breastfeeding is protective against SIDS
@DagmarBleasdale Hugs to you (re: tooth)
» In reply to DagmarBleasdale

