The Latest Trade Tweets

@cupcakeMAG Hugs
» In reply to cupcakeMAG
Dont forget we're still offering special discounts on pre-orders, so keep the orders coming!
Hey my dear friends! It's been sooo crazy here since we got back from the @ABC Spring Conference, entering...
UK retailer Tesco acquires BzzAgent, digital 'word-of-mouth' pioneer - Innovation Economy -
#BabyLegs are on sale this week for 30-50% OFF! Head over to to buy yours now! -- Wrap-Up: Review of Towels, Blankets and Other Snugglers
@1DroolMonkey Not yet... Still waiting for phone call.
» In reply to 1DroolMonkey
The project I've been working on is almost ready for liftoff. Check this space on June 1 for details #li
@NinthandWalnut Good idea!
» In reply to NinthandWalnut
Cat is still really sick. They are talking about iv fluids and blood work. This would be fine if we had the funds...
@NinthandWalnut I NEVER say anything unless the person refers to the baby/pregnancy. Sometimes I'm sure it makes me seem nuts/ insensitive.
» In reply to NinthandWalnut
How did I not notice my hairdresser was pregnant? Just got an email saying she delivered early & will be out for 6 weeks. I need an eye exam
That's imprtant 2 bth brnds & byrs. Tradeshow floor is prfct size to c everything & learn abt the prdcts. If u lke 2 party this is the shw
This is my first tweet in show series.just finished abc spring confernce I'll start w it. Its the only show focused on networking & learning
Scandinavian Child Acquires Svan of Sweden: Fuels Company’s Growth Through Expansion Into High Quality Children’s Pr...
@richquigley thank you for the mention. I try and post and retweet issues relevant to the industries I work with.
» In reply to richquigley
To all the lovely people with their beautiful bubbas and big kids who stopped by our little stand, m23 at pbc over...
Is your website working for you, or against you? Part 2 via #constantcontact
The Red Cross is on the ground in Joplin, MO. Connect with loved via Red Cross Safe & Well: .
@1969lms The Red Cross is on the ground in Joplin, MO. Connect with loved via Red Cross Safe & Well: .
» In reply to 1969lms

