The Latest Trade Tweets

@LINDATRISTAN Thank you for the #FF Luv! xoxo :)
» In reply to LINDATRISTAN
@maternitique You too! :)
» In reply to maternitique
@MaksimC @kirstiealley Rooting for you guys! You are an awesome team! xoxo Lynette (x-prof ice skater) :) Keep up the great work! go go go!
» In reply to kirstiealley
New studies re:Preventing Pregnancy Stretch Marks in 4 Steps: mentioned via @maternitique
@_JoeyRoo Lol! That's what I'm talking about! Purse hook users unite!!
» In reply to _JoeyRoo
At First Turn in Port Orange, FL for dinner. LOVE LOVE LOVE the customer service. I KNOW they care! They rock!!
@DontGetChopped Haven't been but sounds like I need to check it out! How have you been?
» In reply to DontGetChopped
@DontGetChopped The food wasn't terrible but I've definitely had better tapas and sangria. It was mainly the staff that sucked.
» In reply to DontGetChopped
I hate writing thank you notes but only because I have such bad handwriting!
I went to over 27 trade shows pertaining to the children's industry in 2010. It's seems like I'm a walking book of knowledge on the shows
Come and visit us at the Babes & Babies Event hosted by Appel & Frank, Saturday, May 14th, 2011 from 9.30am - 2pm...
Sad to be using the last of my Cartier stationery. -- Good Things Stowed in Small Packages!
According to my employees, I am an old lady because I use this?
So CUTE! Gotta show it again!
Sweet words FROM moms TO moms
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First thought: why am I so tired. Next thought: Right, I got up at the crack of dawn. So tired, I forgot.
An old man once said ..There comes a time in life, when you walk away from all the drama & people who create it....
Elevate Retail Experience With New Mobile Tech 05/13/2011

