The Latest Trade Tweets

@Ed2010News Look for work ethic, genuine interest in journalism/the publication, personal integrity, maturity & the ability to learn quickly
» In reply to Ed2010News
SwaddleDuo giveaway on Facebook!
@TheBabyGuyNYC You gotta see this, baaaybee!
» In reply to TheBabyGuyNYC
Today is my due date. NO baby as of yet. How utterly disappointing...maybe tomorrow.
Model call out! We have quite a few photoshoots coming up in the next few months. If your child (0-5yrs) is...
#abcspring11 we r live at the largest honky-tonk in the world
Happy Mothers day to all of you but especially to the winner of this prize!!
@kirstiealley I LOVE watching you dance! You are my fav to win! You really show that you feel the music. You & Maks are an awesome team! xo
» In reply to kirstiealley
@iheartSAM Yum! LOVE carmel kettle corn!
» In reply to iheartSAM
@djdfuse: Planning a trip to Venice Beach-Which night are you at GLOW? Would love to see you play!
» In reply to djdfuse
Good morning FB peoples! Hope your day in the southern hemisphere has started bright and fresh!...
I've never really had a nickname before but this is at least the second time this person has called me Tiger. I'll take that. LOL
@ABCWorldNews Yucky...don't need to see.
» In reply to ABCWorldNews
Positive energy is CONTAGIOUS! Surround yourself with some...or make your own! Step 1) Smile. Step 2) Giggle Step 3) LOL! Good job! Hugs
#abcspring11 here's the pic
#abcspring11 quicksmart new 2 USA gr8t foldable line of riders strllers play yard & high chair. Ship in July. If u have no space it's a must
Luxury throw for Mom affectionately called an Adult Swaddle Wrap by our fans) ...OOOoooo!!! Many 33%off!
@O_Magazine Luxury throw for mom ...OOOOOOOoooooo!
» In reply to O_Magazine
Had a wonderful meeting with @Tracy_Corey today! You"ll have to join us next time @jennihogan! :) #soulsister
I am at the beach to research kids' swimwear. But NO kofs. Just sun, sea. & wind! 

