The Latest Trade Tweets

Head over to our FB page to enter our giveaway for an adorable stuffed giraffe from @saritababy. Ends Friday!
Appreciate teachers with hugs and gifts cards! I just sent a $5 gift card via email to my son's coffee-loving teacher!
@Pampers how about a sibling gift for an older child in the family?
» In reply to Pampers
like my new wallpaper? still tweaking...
A Moment Of Humor During The Agonies Of Chemotherapy Offers A Lesson In Resilience
LUCKY, DH & both DS are afraid of mine! RT @kulaklips: 3 yr old sings twinkle little star to my belly and baby girl kicks up a storm,.
Take a look at the BBs Tees event on @zulily today! via @zulily
I'm really not grouchy today. All of these scenarios keep popping up so I thought I'd share. If you know how journos think it might help you
Apparently it's pet peeve Mon. So here goes: if someone requests an interview this week, don't email back ok. Respond with your availability -- Mary Meyer’s Purses: Variety without Extra Baggage
sibsense says: Telling your child you are pregnant: So ladies, you are going about your daily business when you...
Didn't land a retail order? Maybe because you didn't follow up when you said you would. It's the first hurdle before a buyer can trust you!
Still on the subject of checking all of your biz email addresses: this includes email forms on your site and addresses of former employees
RE my last tweet: all email addresses include that info@ & sales@ address that no one is monitoring but is used on your marketing collateral
Always perplexing when companies fail to respond to editorial requests. It's free exposure for your biz. Check all of ur email addys people!
LOVE this, from Little Crown Interiors
Looking for great design ideas? Check out our gallery. It features work from the finest designers anywhere,...
@monkeytoesshoes ME TOO!!! (cupcake)
» In reply to monkeytoesshoes
Did you know that we will give you a $25 GC if a store you recommend to us places an order? Just email us the store, and we'll do the rest!
This weeks giveaway is from Sarita Baby . A FABULOUS etsy store! Designer fabrics...

