The Latest Trade Tweets

We are looking for @monkeytoesshoes hopefully next week I'll be able to join you for one. If this baby decides to arrive!
YES!!! major pain rightnow! RT @myweeview: i think Twitter is broken..... anyone else having problems?
Absolutley - if you have one for me too!!! RT @monkeytoesshoes: Is it ok to start happy hour at 430?? #needit
"Accept the challenges, so that you may feel the exhilaration of victory" - General Patton. Very applicable to owning your own business
Finally watched Kate's processional. Clearly Pippa's angling to snag a royal at the reception. Her dress was hot!
Anybody wanna peanut?
@pottytots Awww! Thank you!
» In reply to pottytots
@DrJonathan I found it fascinating how many sundowning geriatric patients wanted to "go upstairs" & be w their family & wanted their moms.
» In reply to DrJonathan
WHOOO HOOOO - 1000 fans! Thanks guys - we'll do a draw early next week!
Sending our best wishes for a happy, healthy, long life together to Catherine and William! #RoyalWedding
It's fitting day over at #BabyLegs for our Fall Catalog models! We're so excited for you all to see the new line and #HelloKitty! -- New Brands Attract Repeat Business
sibsense says: The Do's and Don'ts to Naming Siblings: One of the most exciting parts of pregnancy for me was na...
@BoonInc Beautiful! Reminded me of Julie Andrews dress in Sound of Music! :)
» In reply to BoonInc
Kates dress reminded me of Julie Andrews dress in The Sound of Music. Beautiful! #RoyalWedding
#FF @mommymomentblog @pumpapair @Bellalulubaby @MoneySaverMomD @PoMoNancyO @AlexPominville @mommastuffblog @girlgotch - FAB ladies!!
@mommymomentblog YUCK!! We'll at least I can still see the new green grass poking out. Makes for a little hope. :) Have a good day!
» In reply to mommymomentblog
@mommymomentblog ((HUGS)) back to you then! How's the weather there? Any better than here? I'm SO done with winter!
» In reply to mommymomentblog
THANKS! I need them today. ;0) RT @mommymomentblog: @bugalug (((hugs)))
AGHHH - what day, ship is sore, the susepnse is killing me and there is SNOW in #yyc! Seriously, something has got to give!

