The Latest Trade Tweets

These Kids Today! via #constantcontact
How to parent the "new children" via #constantcontact
Getting ready to start the Planning of our Annual Charity Event we are doing it in Feb 2012 - Please suggest your favorite charity.
Our prayers to those in Arkansas, that have lost homes to the tornado. Cales - Moxie's co-owner is okay, but...
@gialg I remember how your language got more 'colorful' as the day went on LOL
» In reply to gialg
@TheBabyGuyNYC Well done Jamie. Accurate info is so important for new parents and moms2B.
» In reply to TheBabyGuyNYC
@gialg My mom hates it when I saw 'screwed'. Think she's given up now though.
» In reply to gialg
@dkny would totally enter except I prob have $500 worth—and most is DKNY hosiery. Fell in love with them way back with chocolate double nets
» In reply to dkny
And why exactly would Lilly be shopping @giltgroupe (other than awkward product placement)?
sent new outfits to our models today! Can't wait to see them in the beautiful summer items we designed ;)
Can U distinguish btwn organic claims & marketing hype? Go to Mama U! $650+ in prizes & jackpot of label-reading info
@mommastuffblog CONGRATS!!!! I'm SOOOO jealous! ;0) Enjoy these 1st few days, they are the BEST! ((HUGS))
» In reply to mommastuffblog
We've got #BabyLegs Cool! styles back in stock just in time for summer! Lightweight, breathable mesh w/ UV coating!
@bugandbean What are the hives from? Allergic Reaction?
» In reply to bugandbean
RT @cthemilchild: Thank you @BabyLegs for #SOT here is a photo of one of the families you helped. :-)
I just had the urge to dig my sewing machine out of the closet. Alas, no space. If you have to put it away after each use, you never use it
Hate that @ABCWorldNews is spending so much time on the royal wedding. Perspective, people!
Congrats to our Easter Egg Hunt Winners: Heather L, Janice K and Ansley B! We'll be in touch shortly!
@kulaklips LOL EXACTLY!!
» In reply to kulaklips -- K.I.D.S. Annual Women in Industry Luncheon to Honor Mary Gleason, Joan Karron, Lorna Nagler, and others

