The Latest Trade Tweets

@BugalugPR I just use my tough and tender, spray it on and use a microfiber mop to dry it off. Works great!
» In reply to BugalugPR
@graceannounce I HATE lunches! I never know what to make for me or my kids. I'd love to hear people's ideas.
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Apple, Campbell's Say iAds Twice as Effective as TV - Advertising Age - Digital
@ladybugbows Oh yes!
» In reply to ladybugbows
@MomVantage chesse and crackers and cut up meats with strawberries!
» In reply to MomVantage
Get your Valentines barrettes, pony loops and headbands ASAP! They are So cute and will be GONE in two weeks!
It's been a long, cold, gray winter. Spring is right around the corner, and the design trend this Spring is all...
I would love to go see Duran Duran and Kid Rock tonight in big D! #cheaptickets
Can kids with ezcema get it anywhere? Might be headin 2 the dermo. pretty sure the place on the inside elbow is ezcema treating w/ Cutivate.
@MinimalMom RT We are trying to go gluten free! Check out @SmartMamas: she's a gluten free tweeter:)
» In reply to MinimalMom
This a.m.: full caffeine coffee + real sugar = very productive:)
I'm totally scared! just got locked in to the Wendy Williams Show...
Congrats to Amy and Danielle on their new book Mom Inc. @mominc In stores end of Feb. Here's the website:
Working in the warehouse today! Staple, QC, package... Just like the good 'ol days (a year ago) before we had employees. Lots of orders!
Working on a cupcake collection, includes lots of ruffles and cuteness! If there is anything you would like to see, let us know :)
Please comment and vote for this worthy cause! Retweet!
ahhh... is that rain I feel in the air here in Newcastle? I love our sunburnt country, but i will be glad of some...
@urbababy Babies who can roll over onto their tummies should not be swaddled with their hands down into the swaddle.
» In reply to urbababy
@urbababy We usually recommend swaddling until 3-4 months of age, but some enjoy it longer, then transitioning into wearable blanket.
» In reply to urbababy
@LulyYangCouture Sounds delightful! So exciting!
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