The Latest Trade Tweets

Many showrooms have started setting up for #LVMkt. Can't believe its < 2 weeks til the show!
THANKS! RT @WallCandyArts & @FunkyTricycle: @Bugalug - Congrats! That's awesome! Here's to 1400 more!
@mrshiggison It's awful! Why can't it just be like the US, if it fits, it ships! SO much easier! Just trying to soak the small businesses!
» In reply to mrshiggison
Thanks to Canada Post, we have to change our shipping rates. :( So frustrating! Rates will change on Monday so SHOP today for $2.50 shipping
I can't believe how many people have recently signed up for our newsletter and taken advantage of the $5 off coupon. Newsletter coming soon! -- No Slippy Hair Clippy Helps Domestic Violence Victims Rebuild Their Lives -- Sale! TODAY ONLY!! Beary Blue Toddler Car Seat Cover – Originally $70 on sale for $35.
1400 followers today - thanks everyone for all you love and support!
Just to clarify... Florida is the only state without snow. Not one snowflake in the whole state.
Florida: All of the freezing temperatures, none of the pesky snow of the other 49 states.
Put Moms' Gifts To Good Use To Improve Your Marketing by Bleema Bershad
Lucky Jade is on @zulily today! here's a soft must have....
5 signs your marketing is outdated
Getting smaller luxury brands mobile - Mobile Commerce Daily - Columns
Social networking a retail game-changer |
Come to ""Huggalugs" Photograph Competition." Today at 9:00 am until <br />Tuesday, February 1 at 12:00 am. You...
@jackiemic66 How long have you been in Seattle?
» In reply to jackiemic66
@GetJesse Hugs!
» In reply to GetJesse
@HygeiaKate Congrats! :)
» In reply to HygeiaKate
@jackiemic66 Welcome to Seattle! Any friend of Rita's is a friend of mine.
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