The Latest Trade Tweets

@SmartMamas Yes, isn't it peaceful?? I'm off to p90x myself, aka torture myself! Happy hump day to YOU!
» In reply to SmartMamas
News and information from Frittabello! via #constantcontact
@ashleykbreckel You'd be hungry all the time! LOL! (thighs - walking - VS)
» In reply to ashleykbreckel
A solemn moment today for December 1st, World Aids Day, in memory of those lives lost to AIDS and how we can help...
@LulyYangCouture Reminds me of my days in Ice Capades. As a "tall girl" I wore gorgeous costumes (re: VS wings ) ;) I LOVED it!
» In reply to LulyYangCouture
@BillGates RT @JayGordonMDFAAP Infant formula is NOT comparable 2 breast milk any more than a growing baby can be compared 2 a growing calf.
» In reply to BillGates
@tristasutter Try some Honey, honey. Hope you feel better soon.
» In reply to tristasutter
So just wanted to share before I hit the sack; had an ultrasound today and we're 85% sure it's a GIRL! Perhaps I WILL have a Bugalug model!
Seattle snow from last week. Chains, Seattle, you need 2 put chains on ur vehicles! Ice + Hills
Last day for 20% OFF with Promo Code HTGTW on all regularly priced items at Yes, on JEWEL TONE adult swaddles too!
The weather outside is frightful, hope you've got flannel!
@kathyireland You are so gracious. So pleasant to read your tweets. Smiles.
» In reply to kathyireland
Last day for 20% OFF with Promo Code HTGTW on all regularly priced items at Yes, on adult swaddles too!
I want to go to sleep and wake up to this enormous pile of todo's being todone's.
Uh-oh, Now all I hear is, "I want doz!!! Dat an dat!
@justprecious Any coffee grounds??? ha!
» In reply to justprecious
I just cleaned the kitchen in peace! Sent the boys off with the multitude of catalogs from today's mail.
The Grapevine: Noellas Presents Picture-Perfect Gifts --
@emmarieDesigns stay in and feel better:)
» In reply to emmarieDesigns
@emmarieDesigns don't ask a texas girl! ha!
» In reply to emmarieDesigns

