The Latest Trade Tweets

@CuteBeltz awesome! Good luck!
» In reply to CuteBeltz
sibsense says: Tips on saying "Thank YOU" to little ones!: Madonna belted, "Gonna Dress You Up In My Love" this...
sibsense says: Sibling Rivalry Can Hit You Too...: As I was looking on the internet, I saw this article that ca...
Thanksgiving gets the bums rush. Too soon, it becomes all about Christmas, but I love the idea of taking time to...
What an absolute ANGEL, Presley, 5pounds, wears our Nubies Sweetheart like giftwrap for her little legs... xx
Oh these Nubies are just soo cute! Huggalugs range of legwarmers for newborn to 6months, will make the perfect...
.@DancesWithChaos That's great! :D MacGyver ringtone would be good 4 my son. He thought he shd save slvr gum wrapper 4 fishing lure ala MacG
.@bdydbl Oh Yes! DD thought she should put top on bottom & bottom on top, inside out & backward! Hoping for LOTS of snow! LOL!
Will we wake up to snow? My kids put their jammies on inside out since they heard this was a way to help it snow (????) They are EX-CIT-ED!
@tristasutter Ask his Doc & Look into for Ryan's sprain (I'm a former Ortho Nurse) in addition to ice :) Has helped many (&me!)
» In reply to tristasutter
@OhioCatfish Hi Brian, You won a SwaddleDesigns Organic gift set from the HealthyChild party. What color do U want, Pink, Blue or Kiwi?
» In reply to OhioCatfish
Chickies! Puppytooth! Mini Mod! Oh my! They are in and ready for shipping!
@ADDhousewife when dh calls, my phone plays piano riff as in Risky Biz Tom Cruise Underwear scene #wineparty
» In reply to ADDhousewife
@TheBabyGuyNYC (Just logged back on & saw your tweet at the top) - I LOOOOVE Gene Kelly! As a teen used stay up til 2 watching his movies!
» In reply to TheBabyGuyNYC
Fritzy loves the beach--sun, surfing, and ice cream. It's the perfect day. #tweetthewiener @dailyhotdog
Wahooooo!!! RT @petiteintuition: Kudos to @dappersnappers:
No Slippy Hair Clippy™ Mommy B Knows Best Blog
@TheBabyGuyNYC Yes!! If we can match your eyes, we can match her dog, doncha think? so she can be wrapped in cozy love! #Opacalypse
» In reply to TheBabyGuyNYC
@TheBabyGuyNYC Too bad we didn't have the Adult Swaddles in time ... maybe we would have one to match her pup #Opacalypse Booo Hooo!
» In reply to TheBabyGuyNYC
Enjoyed my @Barre3Sadie workout. My back feels longer and better already! Thank you Sadie!

