The Latest Trade Tweets -- Elegant Baby is an Experienced Brand that Never Shows Its Age!
@BunchFamily just haven't had much of a summer in #yyc, could use a bit more before the snow starts!
» In reply to BunchFamily
Tips on breaking your little one's bad habits! An interesting read!
I'm not ready, can we hold off until Oct 21st? RT @BunchFamily: First day of fall first day of fall first day of fall! #omg
Behind The Brand: Elegant Baby is an Experienced Brand that Never Shows Its Age! --
Agreed! Maybe if we changed the name to Fabday? RT @mariapilarclark:Wednesdays are entirely too crazy-should nix them from the week entirely
Just had a FABULOUS call! Exciting things are happening!!! {s}
Huge Announcement # 1, 2, and 3 (with more to come)
@AboutStephen @special_needs I'm awake! I had my very first parent/teacher conference this morning.
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I have a TO DO list. At the top of the list? Write a TO DO list... {s}
@thebump I do the same thing when it is other ppls kids as well! - Erica
» In reply to thebump
The work to maintain! RT @ShacharWeiser: Ok all, would love 2 get some conversations going, what R the Con's of facebook
The coutdown to #ABCkidsexpo is on! Come see us in booth 7419 for great specials and fabulous new products. Accessories for BOYS & Girls!
Check it out! RT @ABCKidsEXPO: the best way to find new exhibitors or to post about your product, is on our Facebook!
I posted 4 photos on Facebook in the album "Huggalugs Art sessions"
@MOMmagRocks where do we get more details?
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@CalgaryBabyShow we are looking forward to the show!
» In reply to CalgaryBabyShow
@BabySteals great steal!
» In reply to BabySteals
Is looking forward to taking my DD to see Mama Mia live on sunday #qualitytime
Congratulations, James and Kimberly!

