The Latest Trade Tweets

Well it's not pneumonia. They gave me singulair and avelox. Not going to take the avelox. Too many BAD side effects!
Yes, @tkpleslie, we're giving away an iPad a day in HOT SPOT at #LVMkt. Who will be the lucky winners?
True! Excited to give to Hot Spot visitors! @tkpleslie: 1 of coolest things happenin' w/ r #Hotspot Social Media Bar is IPad giveaway!
almost time for ice cream from ben & jerry's!!! can't wait to hear him speak!
Did u know there are TONS of CEU-credit opps this Market?
FYI for all #LVMkt-goers - no parking pass required to park on the campus so no worries! Parking garage open to all.
#chitowngift put ur kids face on a nightlight. Elvie Zell is in the handcrafted section 8-7083
#chitowngift sock monkeys r a must bearington bear has one and the bears r dressed like one too
@tkpleslie Yes, all of the buzz about HOT SPOT is vry exciting! #LVMkt starts in 1 wk!
» In reply to tkpleslie
Video: Timmy the Tractor at the Chicago Market --
Waiting for results. This is taking forever. For. Everrrrr.
Krik-it Kids is opening another store in Fairfield CT. Look for the My Life baby journal and "Frittabello and his...
Krik-it Kids is opening another store in Fairfield CT. Look for the My Life baby journal and "Frittabello and his...
Back at the Drs. Looks like X-rays this time.
Video: Clay Rice at the Chicago Market --
traditional home champagne and dessert? yes please!!!
I posted 8 photos on Facebook in the album "JB Vintage"
Vote for Frittabello in Startup Nations Leading Moms in Business contest. Pass it on!
"JB Vintage" Returns to the market!
Fun new sibling tees!

