The Latest Trade Tweets

Classic Disney - Minnie Swaddle Blanket by SwaddleDesigns #GreatBabyGift #MadeinUSA
Mickey Swaddle Blankets by SwaddleDesigns #MadeinUSA #GreatBabyGift 123 Swaddle cute pictorial instr
@TheGiggleGuy finally started watching #Homeland last night. I'm already hooked
» In reply to TheGiggleGuy
Now I see what makes this episode of #sharktank "special"
Ugh the product placement on #sharktank is gross, off putting, awkward and off putting. Yup, I think that covers it.
@gary_wassner switch over to shark tank
» In reply to gary_wassner
RE Anna Wintour possibly declining a diplomatic post, @ABCnews said she's the queen of fashion & "Queens don't have to be diplomatic" <—ha!
Warm weather like this is nice but how many shoppers are thinking, "it doesn't feel like Christmas?" Retailers, is this affecting sales?
Enter to #win great (free) baby gear from @NestedBean @DanzoBaby @kissykissybrand @kushiesbaby and more at
You can't be everywhere which is why you need to cultivate an army of brand advocates for your business. Here's how: -- Paying Employees After a Natural Disaster
@brookeburke Best wishes Brooke! You're in my thoughts and prayers. xo ~ Lynette
» In reply to brookeburke
William and Catherine expecting royal child -
Look at the great #prizes you could win simply by entering theBaby Bonanza Giveaway now at
Did you see Bluebird Blanket in Earnshaw's Pampered blast? This new line is eco-friendly, made in the US and very...
Today's consumer wants to feel connected with the brands they choose. Here's how to boost #engagement:
“@mvgandhi: Magazines want to be more like retailers, & retailers want to be more like magazines.” Retailers are doing a better job, no?
“@meagancwalker: @caletha_style Headshot but I do adore your logo!” thanks!
@Cmsmkidsfashion yeah. i'm switching it. it is biz but headshot's better
» In reply to Cmsmkidsfashion
<— So what do we think? Logo or headshot?

