“Teddy Needs A Bath” Makes Plushies Clean
Covered with a chunky zipper, parents can be confident a stuffed animal’s ride through the washer will be nothing but gentle. The ingenious accompanying elastic band will make sure they don’t have to endure the clickety-clack of the zipper through the dryer.
In addition to wanting to pass down her old toys to her child, inventor Nicole R. Townend needed a way to clean new ones that her Labrador decided were his own personal chew toys. But what to do when those slobber-soaked lovies say “surface wash only”? Nicole got down to business figuring out just what to do to make the toys her kid loved clean enough to carry.
One of her original test subjects was a 60-year old teddy a brave friend gave over for a much-needed tubby. Made from her late grandpa’s old shirt with buttons for eyes, it was delicate and smelled like cigarette smoke for years. Luckily it came out perfectly and she was able to use it to create Teddy Needs a Bath, one of the strongest and cutest products out there for making sure teddies are tidy.The logo on the bag explains it all: you see a diapered tot carelessly pulling their lovely teddy bear through a puddle. Every parent will echo Teddy’s “uh oh” as the kid drags their best friend through mud, drops him on public floors, and covers him with drool while they sleep.
In addition to being adorable and practical, Teddy Needs a Bath is also earth-friendly. Even the cardboard packaging and accompanying cardboard display cases are made of recycled material and will decompose in 4 to 8 weeks.
Give your customers the option of a laundered lovie by visiting www.teddyneedsabath.com