Acronym Overload, Part II

Thanks for reading, and for all your answers. Since all answers were essentailly “correct” the winner of the Baby Prize Pack from LJBryn&Co. including: Doctor T’s Super Goop SPF 30 organic sunscreen, Scout Baby Organics bodysuit and an Itzy Ritzy wet bag is… JCB, who responded on May 25th. Congrats JCB and please email me your contact info!

These “intended answers” were:

  1. SBO small business owner
  2. COB close of business
  3. ROI return on investment
  4. NLT no later than
  5. TTYL talk to you later
  6. ABC All Baby & Child
  7. CARA Children’s Apparel Retail Association
  8. ASTRA American Specialty Toy Retailing Association
  9. JPMA Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association
  10. AAFA American Apparel and Footwear Association
  11. TIF Toy Industry Foundation
  12. KIDS Kids in Distressed Situations
  13. TTYS talk to you soon
  14. SPF sun protection factor
  15. SASE self addresses stamped envelope
  16. OMG oh my god
  17. WTF What the f%@#!!
  18. CPSIA Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act
  19. CPSC Consumer Product Safety Commission
  20. GCC General Certificate of Conformity
  21. LOL laugh out loud
  22. B2B business to business
  23. B2C business to consumer
  24. COGS cost of goods sold
  25. LLC limited liability corporation
  26. LLP limited liability partnership
  27. TM trademark
  28. POP point of purchase
  29. POS point of sale
  30. BFF best friends forever
  31. USA United States of America
  32. USD United States dollar
  33. FOB free on board or freight on board
  34. CPC cost per click
  35. CRM customer relationship management
  36. AM ante meridiem
  37. PM post meridiem
  38. CST Central Standard Time
  39. XOXO hugs and kisses
  40. KISS keep it simple stupid
  41. FAQ frequently asked questions
  42. HTML Hypertext Markup Language
  43. HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol
  44. WWW world wide web
  45. IM instant message
  46. FTF Fair Trade Federation
  47. OTA Organic Trade Association
  48. GOTS Global Organic Textile Standard
  49. EOM end of month
  50. SKU stock keeping unit
  51. UPC Universal Product Code

BONUS Q: What is a “onesie?”

ANSWER: If you thought “onesie” was a generic term for a baby tee shirt that snapped under the legs, think again. Just like Kleenex is a trade-marked name, so is Onesie. Gerber Childrenswear LLC (’Gerber’) is the owner of U.S. federal trademark registration numbers 1,292,981 and 2,549,557, respectively, for the ONESIES® mark and other trademark registrations pertaining to the mark, and Gerber’s exclusive rights in the ONESIES® mark are legally incontestable under §15 of the Lanham Act. Use the term all-in-one or bodysuit instead.

Coming soon… More sales talk.

