With Poo-Pourri, Everything is Going Down Roses

It is an age-old and unmentionable problem left to whispers, furtive hand-waves and speedy bathroom exits. Poo-Pourri tackles bathroom odors nose-on, with products that leave nothing behind but a sweet scent. Fit for boutiques and the toniest of bathrooms, Poo-Pourri products are useful at home, offices or on the road.

Environmentally and septic tank friendly, Poo-Pourri isn’t just a temporary cover-up. Essential oils like rose, lemongrass and jasmine combine in a patent-pending formula to not just cover up the smell. The innovatively packaged product actually creates a protective barrier to keep the bathroom smells in the water, not the air. Size does matter with bathroom deodorization. Poo-Pourri’s multiple sizes and scents can be kept in purses for discrete use on-the-go or bathroom-sized for guests and family members alike.

From a Royal Flush to Heavy Duty, there is a Poo-Pourri product for every smell. Dr. Pott’s Proven Potty Remedy is a great example of packaging combined with smell prevention. Hearkening back to the days of traveling salesman and barbershop quartets, the Dr. Pott’s offering even includes a silver mustache hang tag.

The Poo-Pourri product has conquered the bathroom and has now moved onto other stinky places. Customers can now de-stink their feet with Shoe-Pourri Shoe Deodorizer. Even the family pet can smell better with Pooch-Pourri. The little stinkers of the house even have a Poo-Pourri product with Poo-Pourri Lil Jr. Lil’ Stinker Soiled Diaper Odor Eliminator. Parents can banish the diaper pail odor with a quick spritz of this baby-sized product that packs a punch on diaper deodorizing needs. A Super-Duper Pooper Kit and products make potty training a more pleasant.

Customers who need a novel gift idea year-round can find Poo-Pourri fun gift sets and themed products that lend themselves to gift baskets. Santa Poo could be the perfect stocking stuffer or back-of-the-toilet accessory for holiday guest visits.

While a rose by any other name may smell as sweet, your customers’ bathrooms can smell sweet as well when you add Award-Winning Poo-Pourri products to your store by contacting or call 972-818-8200.

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