Say “I Love You” Every Day with PICKmeUP Napkins

Sometimes, a kid just needs a little pick-me-up. Being away from home for a good chunk of every weekday and facing school with its many academic and social challenges can be stressful. Youngsters just starting school are particularly in need of TLC, and even though they usually don’t admit it, older kids will sometimes wish they could have the comfort of their mom or dad when they’re feeling the pressure at school. The lunchbox message is a great way for a parent to convey words of love, encouragement and support to their kids. A simple, yet meaningful message written on a napkin and placed in the lunchbox or bag can help a child get through those tough days at school, and make the good days even better. Many parents have embraced this habit in recent years, as a way to stay connected to their kids throughout the school and work day.

Canadian mom Margerete Volpe happily got on board with the lunch box note habit, but the practice had a down side. While her daughter loved the notes, Margarete did not love the waste made from throwing away so many napkins every week. As an environmentally conscious person who was trying to utilize more and more re-usable products, Margarete was hit with inspiration: Why not make reusable cloth message napkins? After all, cloth handkerchiefs and napkins were indispensable practical items as well as fashion accessories for many years, until disposable products made them less popular. With today’s focus on reducing waste and avoiding chemicals, maybe it was the perfect time to bring cloth back but in a new and trendy way. And that’s how PICKmeUP Napkins was born.

100% cotton PICKmeUPs are available in three different styles: Fun Picks, My Hero, and My Sunshine. Each set comes with five different message napkins, but napkins can also be purchased individually. Each one of these full-size, bright, and durable napkins sports an uplifting phrase like “You Are Beautiful”, “I Love You”, “Superhero”, and “Dream Big”. They’re chemical-free and machine washable, and each one has a large label where the child can write his or her name to help prevent the napkin getting lost. When lunch is over, they can be brought home for washing, and used again and again for years to come.

PICKmeUPs are a great product to have in stock during the back to school shopping season , or any time of year. If you want more information about adding PICKmeUPs to your store inventory, visit their website at

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