It’s Good to Know … Stanley Kaye

Stan’s The Man at ENK! If you’ve ever attended the ENK Children’s Club in NYC, you probably know Stanley Kaye. The first time I attended ENK, Stanley was at the entrance, greeting everyone. With that first warm welcome, we became business friends. Stanley reminds me of a gracious host at a huge dinner party. He knows everybody, and wants each person to enjoy themselves and mingle both with new and old faces. He wants the occasion to be worthwhile and memorable, something people will talk about and want to come back to again and again. I believe that Stanley’s personal commitment as sales manager has contributed to ENK becoming the “must” event that it is.

I am impressed how Stanley seemingly manages the challenges to “please” every day at the largest national trade show in the children’s apparel industry. He is the maestro that keeps everything humming along. Plus, he genuinely enjoys people, takes an interest in their needs, wants to quickly solve any problem, and celebrates the success of both retailers and exhibitors.


After working around the children’s industry for a while, the degrees of separation between people can usually be counted on one hand. I soon realized that my link to Stanley went back many years to when I bought trade advertising in a publication produced by The Larkin Group, where Stanley worked for 29 years as show director for the International Kids Fashion Show. He has served Children’s Club/ENK for 10 years as sales manager.

I appreciate Stanley’s business friendship. To me, he is the main man of ENK. See him at the ENK Children’s Club which runs March 7 – 9 at Javits Center, NYC. He will probably be the first to greet you on arrival. Or, if you see someone riding a bicycle around the floor, say, “Hey, Stan!” (Note: The “K” in ENK does not stand for “Kaye.”)

“It’s Good to Know” is a recurring feature on my blog. Come back next week to meet the next person I’m glad to know in the children’s industry.

Who do YOU think it’s good to know in the children’s business? Share your comments here.

David Gaunt
Editorial Director
The Giggle Guide

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