What’s Your Catch Phrase?

I spent this past weekend with my family and while I intended to write a blog about networking, it never happened. Instead, as the weekend progressed, I thought a lot about the funny things my family says that have turned into our own personal catch phrases. I thought I’d share some of our family favorites with you today.

Mom: “I’m a little chilly.” (usually said when everyone else is sweating bullets)

Dad: “What?” (whenever anyone tells a joke related to being hard of hearing, which he is)

Brother: “It’s just another day…” (since it’s not really a holiday unless he’s racing his car)

Nephew: “Well, actually…” (since he’s a pretty smart kid and knows more than we do about lots of stuff)

And Me: “I don’t love it.” (since people ask for my opinion a lot and I’m pretty picky about what I endorse)

The fun part of having a catch phrase is that other people often realize you’ve adopted the phrase before you even realize you have… I always thought I was being subtle when I said, “I don’t love it” but my family always knew that it really meant, “She hates it.” (I’m not a good poker player, either.)

We can predict when a catch phrase is coming, too. In Indy on Saturday night, I bet my brother that mom would be “chilly” at the N.I.T.E. Ride. It was a 90+ degree day but, when we arrived at the starting gate at 11PM and started to unload the bikes, mom was indeed “a little chilly” and I won the bet.

Knowing your family’s catch phrases is a little intuitive, of course, but what about your business catch phrase? Also called a tag line or slogan, some of the biggest companies in the world have tattooed their catch phrases on our brains, and made their brands immortal.

“Have it Your Way.”

“You’re in Good Hands.”


“Just do it.”

Just about everyone knows those slogans belong to McDonald’s, Allstate, Empire (if you’re in Chicagoland, anyway) and Nike. And you can probably think of a dozen more without trying very hard.

Small companies can benefit from branding themselves with a catch phrase or slogan too. “For Kids. For Families. For You.” is the catch phrase for my rep business. The Giggle Guide uses “Where it’s always kiddie business,” Itzy Ritzy proclaims they are “Born into Style” and Wallcandy Arts asks you to “Peel, Stick and Decorate.”

Do you have a personal catch phrase? What about a slogan for your business? We’d love to hear from you. Share your catch phrase with us or tell us about your business and we’ll help you come up with one.

Later this week … Two easy tips for successful networking.

Lara owns and is the primary sales rep for LJBryn&Co., a Midwest-based, independent rep group specializing in children’s gift, toys, gear and apparel. www.LJBrynAndCo.com


david gaunt

How ya doin' and whatta ya doin'?

For business and personal phone friends only, I am known for first saying, “How ya doin’ and whatta ya doin’?”

My daugher? “Idiot or I hate …” Her “hate” is her way of saying “I don’t love it!” It is really harmless and not mean. But she should have written a personal list as her “dislikes” and impatience with stupidity is a long one! No wonder she is our new lawyer!

Oldest son, “Hey!”. If there is a “catch-look” for him since birth it has been checking himself out in any mirrored surface. Anywhere.
I will have to be on the “hear-out” to notice other family members’ catch phrase.

I remember my dad used to always say … “The What?”
My mom had a certain way of clearing her voice before she was about to ask for something.
My wife? Known her almost 40 years and I cannot think of one! Does “Honey” even count? (which she actually never called me until after the wedding vows!)

This personal Catch Phrase would make a fun party and family game! For both brands and the people in our life.

Thanks for making a good business point more fun and relatable! I DO love it so much!

David Gaunt
Editorial Director
The Giggle Guide@



Thanks David

As always, thanks for your insightful feedback!

Lara Joy Brynildssen
T 847 736 2711
F 847 202 9431

