Hello Baby
Last week my husband and I went in for our dating ultrasound. During the ultrasound, they measure the amniotic sac and the baby to verify how far along you are and give you a precise due date. They prefer not to go just by the last menstrual period date. Also no one really knows when you ovulated, so it gives the doctors an accurate time frame. The technician that did the ultrasound also explained how important the date is, because most women need some medical treatment or testing through their pregnancy. The doctor wants to make sure they are not doing it too early or too late.
It’s was our first chance to actually see our baby and see it’s heart beating. It was amazing. I was so excited, that I didn’t really notice how full my bladder was. The technician kept moving the wand around my stomach and we could see the little limbs flailing about. The heart was beating at 179 beats per minute. I was shocked but the technician reassured me that it was normal at this stage. I could see it flashing on the screen. It was such an incredible moment and my eyes did fill up with tears. The baby measured 2.02 cm and the amniotic sac measured 3.17, which told our doctor that my due date should stay the same- December 13th.
We got 2 pictures to take home of the ultrasound. In the picture, the baby is the peanut shaped blob in the circle-ish shape. We made photocopies for my mother in law for Mother’s Day. We put the 2 pictures in a Grandparent’s brag book. Both of my inlaws really enjoyed it.
Our next ultrasound isn’t for quite awhile. We plan to not find out the sex of the baby It should be pretty exciting!
- Laura's blog
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What an exciting time.
A month ago i just delivered twins. The ultrasound is such a great way for you and your family to feel connected to the baby even before they arrive. I have a 2 year old who loved to look at her brothers in the ultrasound. It really helped her understand what was happening to Mommy.