Leesa’s Blog

We were thrilled to discover that actress Jennifer Garner and her beautiful daughter Violet love No Slippy Hair Clippy!

In this lovely mommy-and-me moment featured in Celebrity Baby Blog and People Magazine, we see Violet wearing our Abigail clippy!

The Abigail clippy is among our Pediped Hair Clips collection, which were designed to match Pediped’s best-loved styles! There are 14 clips to choose from!

When you were growing up, did your mom ever tell you she hoped you had a kid just like you? My mom used to say it all the time. She also said that she would raise 10 boys before raising another girl. Hum… so hard to believe. Even though my kids have fur, I still ended up with 2 that are just like me.

Now that you know the crew, let me tell you about their antics. My dogs have the primo life. We live on 10 acres. All the dogs in the neighborhood are free to roam. Typically, they stay home.

Just because my kids have fur, doesn’t mean you sleep through the night. Here is how my sleep went the other night. I usually am in bed at a normal hour, somewhere around 11pm. I start out by positioning Gladys on one side of the bed and Taz on the other. I do this because they have been known to battle. It was YEARS before they would even be on the same bed together. I have a king size bed so you would think that would be enough room for two cats and me, but it seem I am the one who ends up in a tiny ball with no space. You will notice in the picture, the pillow pile.

Most people have never lived with a cat. I always hear how aloof they are. You can say that, until you meet our crew. They think they are people. They sure know how to work us. Smile Most of the times they are right there with you. If not, they come when you call them. Pete has to see you. She is deaf. We have rules, at least in our presence, they obey. This is part of the ongoing debate about what is “good” behavior.

Let me set the stage for the theme on my blog. James and I have had endless conversations on what is considered “good” behavior with our children. If you have never had a pet, not just an animal you have around the house, then you don’t fully understand the similarities between the two. Hopefully I can explain.

