Designer's Touch

Exclusively for the most discriminating customers.

Main Profile

Designer's Touch

Designer’s Touch is our exclusive brand for our most discriminating customers from birth to 3 years. We have gone the extra step and taken great care to achieve outstanding footwear featuring the highest quality materials available and beautiful classic styling with great attention to details. You can find terrific styles for Christening, pageants and formal wear, but we also made sure our products fit and are safe before they leave our doors. Designer’s Touch complies with all current safety standards set by the CPSC.

Trimfoot Co., LLC • 115 Trimfoot Terrace • Farmington, Missouri 63640
Contact: Customer Service
Phone: (800) 325-6116
Local: (573) 756-6616
Fax: (573) 756-8482


Categorization for Designer's Touch

